The funds raised by The Woman’s Club members during 2024-2025 will not only fund scholarships but also financially support our adopted nonprofits. Our eleven adopted nonprofits within the Bryan/College Station community focus on women and children. During the Club year, the Community Service committee will educate members about service opportunities, provide members with opportunities to volunteer, and develop relationships to meet the unique needs of our adopted nonprofits.

The Woman’s Club members are dedicated to volunteering, not only their creativity, energy, and expertise, but also numerous hours to the following Bryan-College Station charities.

A&M United Methodist Church

Acara Hospice in College Station


Aggie Ring Distribution

Aggieland Multiples

Aggieland Pets with a Purpose

Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach

Alpha Delta Kappa Educational Sorority

Arbor Oaks Residents

Ballet Brazos

Baptist Student Ministry

BCS Friends of the Library

BCS Newcomers & Friends

BCS Prenatal Clinic

BCS Realtors

Bethel Lutheran Church

BHS Prom

Blessings in Bags

Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society

Brazos Christian School

Brazos Church Pantry

Brazos County A & M Mothers’ Club

Brazos County Emergency Services District #4

Brazos County Go Texan

Brazos County Retired School Personnel

Brazos Valley Cares

Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Brazos Valley Natural History Museum

Brazos Valley Panhellenic Alumnae Association

Bryan Community Church

Bryan ISD Board of Trustees

Central Church

CHI St. Joseph Hospital

Chosen BCS

Christ Church

Church Pantry

College Station Noon Lions Club

Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley

Crestview Retirement Community

Delta Kappa Gamma

FASO – Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra

First Baptist Church of Bryan

First Baptist Church College Station

First Methodist Church Bryan

First Presbyterian Church

Food Bank

Friends of the TAMI Libraries

Fun For All Playground

Gamma Alpha Education Foundation

George HW Bush Library and Museum

Governmental Affairs Committee

Grace Bible School


Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store

Junior League of Bryan College Station

Kendall County WCID

National Charity League of Aggieland

NODA – Nobody Dies Alone

North Shore Church

OPAS Encore


Peace Care Ministry

Pink Alliance

Republican Women of Brazos County

Scotty’s House

SHIP International

Sights on Christ

South Knoll Elementary School

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church

St. Joseph Hospital – Bryan

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

The Arts Council

The Bee Community

The Give Joy Foundation

The Langford Methodist Retirement Community

The Officers’ Wives Club of BCS

The Rotary Club of Bryan

The Rotary Club of College Station

The Salvation Army

The Texas Ramp Project

United Way Brazos Valley

Unlimited Potential

Wellborn Lions Club